Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sweet Seventeen

A day late, but Happy Birthday Gretch! You're so fun, so energetic, so friendly, and now SOOO mature....well kinda :) Enjoy being seventeen. It only happens once!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Worth your time

This is a video worth watching as soon as possible. It is an encouragement and a blessing.

I have not stopped thinking about it ALL day!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Feeling encouraged

I have really appreciated all your kind words and have really felt encouraged since my last post. Sometimes you just need to vent you know?? But seriously, God has shown me kindness and comfort over the past few days. He has reminded me of his faithfulness during hard times while I sat and read old blog and journal entries. He reminded me of a verse in Hebrews that talks about making sacrifices and how you will reap the benefits in the end. He has reminded me of his creation. In the same way that our little girl is being knit in my womb, God has also knit me. I am beautiful. Pregnant OR not. I am beautiful. And, He has reminded me of the true and deep love my husband has for me. All the memories of how Greg has shown me grace and strength in the past came flooding back, and reminded me just how much he cares about me.

The Lord has brought me through so much over the last few years...why would He fail me now?? And as a mentor of mine said recently, at least there is an end in sight with this one...only 3 more months!

Not to say that these feelings won't re-enter in the future, but for now....I am resting in peace. :)

(26 weeks)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This body is not my own

This is what I have to remind myself DAILY. Obvious to some, not to others. But for those of you that are, or have ever been pregnant, and follow the same God, you know what I'm talking about. Let's get to the point. This body is not my own, it belongs to the Lord. As easy as it is to say, I sure have a hard time letting go of the following...

...a minimal wardrobe that consists of wearing the same thing multiple days in a row (and never really being satisfied with how they look on me)...

...feeling HUMONGOUS and swollen, knowing the 'best' is yet to come over the next 3 months...

...the varicose veins which people can't help but stare at and comment on, and knowing there's no way to stop them from getting worse...

...the debilitating heartburn that always takes me by surprise...

...feeling like no matter how much I dress up, I will never look sexy to my husband when we go out....

...and the tailbone pain that has kept me in physical therapy the last several weeks...

I know I'm supposed to embrace the journey of pregnancy, and don't get me wrong....I feel PRIVILEGED to be carrying our little girl. (Greg thanks me all the time for sacrificing my body for our baby, which is so sweet and usually brings me to tears). But, honestly I am selfish. I want to feel good in public, and be noticed for a fit and lean body. Let's be honest. Pregnancy is the OPPOSITE of FIT and LEAN...I have always struggled with how I view myself and how others view my body, and knew pregnancy would bring this challenge again. But, I thought...'shoot this will be easy.' Easy in the sense that 'Oh, now I have a reason to be out of shape...I'm pregnant!' But, Satan likes to pounce when you are down. So I have to battle these thoughts on a daily basis.

So, here I sit. 25 weeks along, trying to think of some verses to memorize that will crush Satan and his evil lies. Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Charlie Bucket...

I have not posted much about my nanny job yet, and I think it's time. This little guy has absolutely made me adore him and his sweet family. His name....Charles Patrick.

Last Halloween...he was Charlie Brown.

I have been working for the Reese's now for almost 2 years, and wow has the time flown! Charlie even has a new baby sister...sweet little Sophia born in January. Although I occasionally look after both kids these days, Charlie is my 'first love' so to speak. I'm definitely attached, and he definitely knows it. He's my little Charlie bucket, and I'm his Nae Nae :)
Here's the short version of why I love this 2 and a half year old...
Charming (who wouldn't be with those faces!)
Hillarious (comes up with witty jokes, and then asks, 'Is that funny?')
Amazingly Athletic (loves playing basketball, soccer, baseball, and his specialty, GOLF...the kid seriously has skills too!)

Remembers (the few times he has met Greg, Charlie loves to ask about him and call him on my cell)

Little Man (too cute in his polo shirts and khaki shorts!)

Imaginitive (declares that its 'Bears' birthday and that we should have a party to celebrate 2 years for him...which I of course obliged to do)

Encouraging (while I'm wiping up something I spilled and saying how 'dumb' I am, Charlie says, 'It will be OK Nae Nae')

It hits me what a big role this little guy plays in my life. Especially as I picture myself with my own children one day. It has been such a wonderful learning experience so far, and while I love "pretending" Charlie is like my own, I realize just how different life will be with one that shares a part of me. I can't imagine looking into a child's eye and seeing a bit of Shannon or Greg in them. So exciting to think about!

And I AM planning to phase out of my job at the end of June. So, I am counting the days (solemnly) and just enjoying each day I have left with my little man.

To good times with Nae Nae...Cheers Charlie!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Recent happenings...

So, did you think I fell off the face of the earth?? I even thought I did for a while there! Geesh! But, we're back and at it. A big reason lately is lack of a camera. All the pics I've posted so far are from a borrowed camera, or just old ones from like a year ago, or ones I find on the internet that are appropriate for the post. Anyhoo, it was time(!) needless to say, and we used Greg's birthday as an excuse to finally bite the bullet. Without further adieu, here are some RECENT pics from life.

Starting with the baby bump...

22.5 weeks along

Sweet whispers to my little girl...

We also have quite a large festival every year called Tulip Time here in Holland, MI. For my friends who are out-of-towners, close your eyes and picture this....a week long celebration that kicks off with fireworks, carnival stands, and junk food wagons like you would see at an amusement park...followed by a bunch of dutch people dressed up in dutch costumes that dance multiple times daily in the middle of streets with wooden shoes and all....along with about 4 parades dispersed throughout the week (which include over 40 bands that come from areas like Virginia, and Chicago). The streets of downtown are lined with planted tulips that open just in time for the first week of May, in ALL different colors! Families fill the pathways of beautiful Centennial park with their little toddlers (also in dutch costumes) taking their annual family pictures, and teenagers use the week as a way to hang out with friends downtown. Even the high schools around here get a day OFF in the middle of the week to enjoy the festival!
It's CRAZY how many tourists come to this thing too! You would find the festival is geared more toward the older crowd, but locals enjoy and participate as well (Or some just get more annoyed with the crowded streets and 'dumb' tourists.)

After living here for 4 years, I have learned that Tulip Time is fun if you make it fun...Here's some snapshots of us enjoying one of the many parades.

Rode our bikes from our home only a couple miles into downtown...

Now that our camera is in full swing...more pics to come, including house updates, family time, and baby bumps!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

25 good reminders

I hope these are as encouraging to you as they are to me. A dear friend sent them in an email recently, and I would love to accomplish even a few of these everyday. Something to think about anyway...

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________'
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts.
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
17. Forgive everyone for everything.
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask Him.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for__________. Today I accomplished_________.
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I CANNOT get over this, and have been thinking about it for quite a few weeks. My youngest sister Katelyn is 10, and I think I've found her look-a-like. Dakota Fanning!! Well, Dakota like 5 years ago...but anyway, what do you think??

Katelyn is the bottom pic....could you even tell them apart??! Ever since I saw the movie, The Secret Life of Bees, I could not get her out of my head!

Dakota is a fantastic actress for her age and is just such a sweet spirited kid...just like my little Katelyn :) I love you sister! You have such a heart of gold!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have heard parts of the prayer below, but never read the whole thing. A friend forwarded this to me a few days ago, and I couldn't help but post it. If you've never read it, READ it. If you have, I hope it's a good reminder of how we can pray for our country. It truly puts things into perspective.
Truth...from a man the media has never been able to throw dirt on...amazing!!!
He has certainly hit the "world" on the head.
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.'

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A weekend retreat

Over the weekend I was blessed to attend a fantastic retreat in northern MI with two of my dear friends, CJ and Lynelle, as well as six other women from Engedi Church. We stayed two nights in a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L cottage by the lake, just a few feet away from the water...literally. Now, just a reminder that it's March here in good 'ol MI (for my western, southern, and overseas friends). So, no we did not slip into our swimsuits and sunbathe like the pictures may suggest. But, we did escape the rain from our home town for all 3 days and enjoyed lots of brisk walks in the cold air, wearing our mittens and hats.

We shared stories, encouraged each other, offered wisdom and prayed as a group each morning...and even sang a few songs. But, the rest of the time was our own. I LOVE these kinds of retreats! I get the most out of them, when I just have time to journal and read and pray on my own. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the fellowship of retreats with crafts, and speakers, and organized music....but there's something about getting away for a quiet, restful weekend with no schedule.

This weekend was also significant to me personally. One year ago on the first weekend in March, I reached the climax of crisis in my life. I was at my worst as far as depression goes, I couldn't control what happened in my family history, and was making sinful choices that were affecting my health and marriage. So, I fled town and started driving up north. I had no idea where I was going, and how long I would be gone. All I grabbed were a few clothes, my Bible, journal, and some money. I spent 4 days in a tiny motel in Ludington. I wrote about 15 pages filled with struggle, questions, and hopes. I never prayed so much in my life in those 4 days. I encountered God in a brand new way, and was brought to tears by what I had been doing. I wanted to be changed and made new. Upon returning, my life did not change overnight, but that long weekend was a huge step in my recovery. Three months later my dear and compassionate friend CJ (who I had confided in regularly) brought me to Lynelle (who has turned into an amazing mentor and friend). She had been through similar experiences, but had seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I was at the right time in my life to really make the change, and through a series of these kinds of relationships, God brought it about. I will always be grateful for how friendships blossom...especially these two ladies in my life :)

So thank you to Engedi Church for welcoming me into your group for a weekend together with sisters in Christ. It is yet another year I won't forget!

Friday, February 27, 2009

My Aching Back!

Every mom-to-be deserves at least one post to complain about the drama in her current preggo life! Today is that day. MY.ACHING.BACK!!! Literally. I probably got about 3-4 hours of sleep last night because of it. Yesterday Greg and I moved a ton of furniture around the house to reorganize a bit. We recently finished painting the fireplace room, which looks absolutely PERFECT thanks to my talented and diligent husband (pics to come soon...). But I guess I thought I could just pick up a couch and move it the same way I used to. WRONG.

I was tossing and turning all night, constantly pulling the covers on as they kept getting twisted from all the thrashing. I tried laying on my side, putting a pillow between my legs, laying on the other side, even laying on my back (which I am NOT a back sleeper)....and nothing seemed to minimize the ache. At one point around 5am, Greg (bless his heart) pulled the covers up over me for the 50th time, and proceeded to start rubbing my lower back. All it did was show me how much he loves me, but it really didn't help ease the pain one bit.

So, in the end, one was lesson learned:
Think twice about doing something you thought you could have easily done before you went and got all pregnant.

Also, to respond to some questions about the last blog....I DID end up finishing my curtains for the built-in, and they turned out just how I hoped! Now, I can stow my baskets filled with hats, gloves, and scarfs as well as various board games below without being seen. I need to get a camera soon to post these fun transformations! But, in the meantime, thanks for the accountability...even in the small things :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Snow day in February...sigh...

Since it's 19 deg. out and been SNOWING all day...what's a girl to do????

Today's activities so far:

~ Nanny from 9:30-1:30
~ Stopped by the fabric store on the way home

Plans for the REST of the day:

~ Finish the laundry (which I LOVE)
~ Begin sewing my curtains to cover some shelves below my built in
~ Read a bit (currently the Chronicles of Narnia...addicting I must say :)
~ Make it to the gym and do some walking on the treadmill (if I have energy by then)
~ Nap
~ Small group!

Not bad for a day indoors...but seriously can we get on with Spring already??? I'm pretty much DONE with winter. So, what are you up to today?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Secret's Out...

Here's the announcement...

The verse at the bottom got cut off, but it reads
Psalms 37: 4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart".
And we are expecting September 9, cool is that?? 9.9.09! I know I know, it rarely happens that you actually give birth ON your due date, but still fun to say.
All I can say is how completely PERFECT God's timing is. Greg and I have had a rough last year and a half with family issues on my side, and struggles within our own marriage. But, we have definitely come out stronger on the other side by the grace of God. There were so many times when I just wanted to be pregnant, and let that be my escape from all my other problems. Especially when all I could see were all the OTHER pregnant women around me. But, God protected us from that situation, as it could have been disastrous. I would have used it as a tool to protect myself from further hurt, instead of rejoicing in the fact that God has given us great responsibility and privilege to carry a child He has created.
So here we are...after waiting (not always so patiently), in our new house (with still a LOT of projects and painting to be done), basking in thankfulness (even though I'm not so thankful to be sick sometimes), and ready to take on the journey (even though we don't know the future). Bring it on!
Some other tid bits for those who are wondering how I've been feeling: I've definitely been nauseated, but am thankful to never have thrown up. I don't feel sick everyday. But, sometimes it just hits me unexpectedly. Naps are a MUST once a day. I usually hit a wall around 3:00 and have to lay down for a while. Greg has been patient with my crankiness, and my short tongue. Last Wed we had an appointment and were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time. The doc found it right away, which eased my nerves. It was so LOUD and fast! Greg and I looked at each other and started laughing out loud we were so giddy. I'm just starting my 12th week, so we're almost 1/3 of the way there! Stay tuned...Oh, and we are DEFINITELY finding out boy or girl! We didn't even have to have a disagreement on that one :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

AMST Retreat

As most of you know my hubby works for his family trucking company AMST (Art Mulder & Son's Trucking). Grandpa Art Mulder is the founder, and his three son's took ownership to carry on the business. Greg and his cousin Chad are the next generation with interest in continuing the business. As busy as they get sometimes, and as hard as it is to not see my husband until late at night sometimes, I really see Greg's passion working with the fam. He is so incredibly good at what he does, as are the other employees, and they really seek to use their gifts to bring glory to our Father.

Last weekend, we had a "retreat" for the owners and their wives, Greg and I, and Chad. We stayed in town at the Hampton Inn for two nights. The weekend was full of meetings, and little sleep. As some of you who work with family know, it's a blessing in disguise. It's wonderful knowing you are all in it together, but there can often be heated discussions. Throughout the three days, we prayed about our future, talked about where our priorities are, and gave input on a number of issues. I felt so privileged knowing I was there to be heard. Me. Just a wife to a third generation employee. The guys really dedicated their time to us, to make sure we were informed and I truly felt like we could discuss anything on our hearts.

We are so blessed to be a part of AMST despite our economic times. We don't know the future, but we know it belongs to the Lord, and we can only give him our best.

I am so thankful for the Mulder family!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random things...

This interesting idea has been floating around on facebook for a few weeks now, so I thought I'd join in the fun!

Here are 25 random things you might not know about me:

1. I always choose sweet pickles over dill
2. I wore braces for 6 years! And I'm proud to say just the other day, my dentist told me I could be a tooth model...if only he could have seem them when I was 12 :)
3. I played the violin as a kid, and now enjoy playing the piano on occasion. Mind you, I have NO form at all, and it takes quite a long time for me to read music. But, it's a small accomplishment nonetheless.
4. I love a PB and banana sandwich anytime of the day!

5. I absolutely laugh the hardest when I hang out with my SISTERS

6. Greg and I both shared our first date, first kiss, and first love with each other :)
7. My fingers and toes look dead when I get really cold sometimes....kinda weird I know.
8. I actually ENJOY DOING LAUNDRY. It just feels so warm, I love folding and organizing the closet, and I love the smell of clean!
9. I love distressed furniture
10. It would be my dream to have a set of boy/girl twins someday
11. I own about a dozen tubes of lip gloss, but rarely ever wear them
12. CHOCOLATE...need I say more?
13. My favorite seasons are the hot and beachy SUMMERS in Michigan filled with ice cream shops on every corner and shorts and tank tops until 10 at night; and the green and luscious SPRINGS in California where wildflowers grow on every rolling green hill...ahhh...miss those sometimes.
14. My house is usually cluttered, and the bed is rarely ever made....but at least the laundry is always done!
15. The strangest thing I ever ate was a dried octopus tentacle....wouldn't recommend it
16. I still bite my nails
17. I've always wanted to take a trip to Australia
18. I moved 8 times growing up
19. I am almost ALWAYS late, and just never seem to know why :)
20. Am I really 25 years old and STILL having occasional breakouts?! Seriously...
21. I tend to complain about a lot of things, but then BRAG about them know excatly what I mean :) The girl that complains about being dirty while camping, but then tells her friends the next day how totally awesome it was!
22. I love OTHER people's homes. It's just difficult in MI when you have to keep pets indoors in the winter. I'm all about a long as it can stay outside.
23. My Mom's cookies are way better than yours....not even kidding
24. I love doing puzzles in the winter
25. The furthest I've ever run at one time is 4 miles...some of us just aren't born runners :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

I finally did it!

Welp....I've given in.

...given in to the world-wide phenomenon of blogging. I'm usually a late bloomer when it comes to the newest technology. I owned my first cell phone my third year of college. I fought tooth and nail to join facebook, and eventually gave in 2 years ago to become an official facebook junkie, and now, I am beginning my first ever blog! I still don't text though, so don't bother sending them. :)

I have seen much value in reading numerous blogs however, as it's a great way to keep updated on friends and family all around the world. I always get excited when someone posts something new, and I often wonder if people are as curious about my life as I am theirs.

The title of this blog has a couple different meanings. First, it is simply so you can stay tuned into my life through fun and hopefully witty updates :). Second, it is my goal to be in tune with my God, and the people around me as best I can. The times when I am completely tuned in to what He wants for my life are moments I don't forget. They are not always easy per say, nor come often enough, and might not make much sense at the time. But, looking back on them is a priceless reminder of what He has brought me through. So, stay tuned in to my life as I seek to stay tuned into God.

Welcome to my blog!