Thursday, May 28, 2009

This body is not my own

This is what I have to remind myself DAILY. Obvious to some, not to others. But for those of you that are, or have ever been pregnant, and follow the same God, you know what I'm talking about. Let's get to the point. This body is not my own, it belongs to the Lord. As easy as it is to say, I sure have a hard time letting go of the following...

...a minimal wardrobe that consists of wearing the same thing multiple days in a row (and never really being satisfied with how they look on me)...

...feeling HUMONGOUS and swollen, knowing the 'best' is yet to come over the next 3 months...

...the varicose veins which people can't help but stare at and comment on, and knowing there's no way to stop them from getting worse...

...the debilitating heartburn that always takes me by surprise...

...feeling like no matter how much I dress up, I will never look sexy to my husband when we go out....

...and the tailbone pain that has kept me in physical therapy the last several weeks...

I know I'm supposed to embrace the journey of pregnancy, and don't get me wrong....I feel PRIVILEGED to be carrying our little girl. (Greg thanks me all the time for sacrificing my body for our baby, which is so sweet and usually brings me to tears). But, honestly I am selfish. I want to feel good in public, and be noticed for a fit and lean body. Let's be honest. Pregnancy is the OPPOSITE of FIT and LEAN...I have always struggled with how I view myself and how others view my body, and knew pregnancy would bring this challenge again. But, I thought...'shoot this will be easy.' Easy in the sense that 'Oh, now I have a reason to be out of shape...I'm pregnant!' But, Satan likes to pounce when you are down. So I have to battle these thoughts on a daily basis.

So, here I sit. 25 weeks along, trying to think of some verses to memorize that will crush Satan and his evil lies. Any suggestions?


  1. Oh Shay, I totally struggled with the same things, and do even more now that I am not pregnant but still can have the tendency to LOOK 3-4 months pregnant at times. I'm sure you have a husband whom is encouraging, like mine, but it still makes it difficult. Some tips that I am trying to follow myself:
    - DON'T look at tabloids or internet women... just makes me feel more bad about myself
    - be in the Word and bathe yourself in prayer. SOOO hard for me, but when I focus on what's truly important, the things of the world seem to fade away
    - focus on the beauty of the baby, which will be MUCH easier once you can hold that little girl of yours!

    Loving you!

  2. This stage of your pregnancy is the hardest. It seems like you've been prego forever and still have forever to go. Keep your chin up! The heartburn is awful for some of us....but there's a wives tale that says heart burn means your baby has just think of the bows you can put on her head! The vericose veins were hard for me to take too!! No help there other than to know you're not alone. Struggling with your body shape at this point is so normal, but trust me, it gets better! I don't have any specific verses for you, but just remember that God put this little girl inside of you knowing that you and only you are just right to be her mommy and sustain her life until she can do it on her own!

  3. Oh Shan, I can almost promise you that you do indeed look sexy to your husband. Greg is such a stud and remember that you are beautiful to him and you are also beautiful to God!!!
    Girl you will be such a good mom. Body shmody. The world is so much bigger than that. We all have those feelings and they all suck, but I know you will get through that and just look what you get out of this whole process!!! (I think you should name her Karen:))


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