I have not posted much about my nanny job yet, and I think it's time. This little guy has absolutely made me adore him and his sweet family. His name....Charles Patrick.
Last Halloween...he was Charlie Brown.

I have been working for the Reese's now for almost 2 years, and wow has the time flown! Charlie even has a new baby sister...sweet little Sophia born in January. Although I occasionally look after both kids these days, Charlie is my 'first love' so to speak. I'm definitely attached, and he definitely knows it. He's my little Charlie bucket, and I'm his Nae Nae :)
Here's the short version of why I love this 2 and a half year old...
To good times with Nae Nae...Cheers Charlie!
I have been working for the Reese's now for almost 2 years, and wow has the time flown! Charlie even has a new baby sister...sweet little Sophia born in January. Although I occasionally look after both kids these days, Charlie is my 'first love' so to speak. I'm definitely attached, and he definitely knows it. He's my little Charlie bucket, and I'm his Nae Nae :)
Here's the short version of why I love this 2 and a half year old...
Charming (who wouldn't be with those faces!)
Hillarious (comes up with witty jokes, and then asks, 'Is that funny?')
Amazingly Athletic (loves playing basketball, soccer, baseball, and his specialty, GOLF...the kid seriously has skills too!)
Remembers (the few times he has met Greg, Charlie loves to ask about him and call him on my cell)
Little Man (too cute in his polo shirts and khaki shorts!)
Imaginitive (declares that its 'Bears' birthday and that we should have a party to celebrate 2 years for him...which I of course obliged to do)
Encouraging (while I'm wiping up something I spilled and saying how 'dumb' I am, Charlie says, 'It will be OK Nae Nae')
It hits me what a big role this little guy plays in my life. Especially as I picture myself with my own children one day. It has been such a wonderful learning experience so far, and while I love "pretending" Charlie is like my own, I realize just how different life will be with one that shares a part of me. I can't imagine looking into a child's eye and seeing a bit of Shannon or Greg in them. So exciting to think about!
And I AM planning to phase out of my job at the end of June. So, I am counting the days (solemnly) and just enjoying each day I have left with my little man.
To good times with Nae Nae...Cheers Charlie!

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