Monday, April 16, 2012

I want you to know...

 This blog is a way to share inspiration, connect with others and record memories. Yes.

But, I want it to be so much MORE than just that.

I also want it to be REAL.

I don't want you to think I have it all together...'cuz what's the point of that anyway? It only makes people feel intimidated and unable to relate to a "normal" person.

And let's face it, we're all normal.

Some of us just fake it better than others.

I know, because I used to be a faker.

I'm still working on not being a faker.


So, I want you to know...

I am not perfect. 

I am far far away from perfect.

I often feel incredibly lazy. - I feel lazier than the guy who created the Japanese flag.
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I yell at my kids sometimes.

via Pinterest

I do not cook meals every night.

via Pinterest

And if I do, I usually complain about it.

I do not clean my house every day.

via Pinterest

Except when the laptop isn't working of course.

I disappoint others.

I disappoint myself.

In short, I am a sinner.


I am forgiven.

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I am treasured.

via Pinterest

And I have a Father who loves me...

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...more than I will ever know.


Decorating. Organizing. Raising kids. Being a wife. Cooking. Cleaning.

Those are just things I do. They are not who I am.

I am His.

I do those things for Him.


  1. Awesome post. So encouraging to hear others have the same struggles.

    1. So glad you were encouraged Jess. It is so freeing for me to share them!

  2. Perfectly said lady- loved this! Your awesome Shannon and so so real that is why I love ya!!

    1. Thanks so much Jen for getting to know my "real" side, and still hanging around these parts :)

  3. Great post Shan! It's so easy to pretend that we have it all together and it's humbling when we remember that it's ok that we don't, and even more ok to share our struggles with others!

    1. You are so right! The sharing part is what helps me remember that I'm not alone...


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