Friday, April 20, 2012

7 more things you may not know...

Two very faithful followers have been kind enough to nominate me for a fun little award/ game.

Kate @ Discover. Create. Live.

and I've already mentioned Angie @ Beneath the Magnolias.

They are both very creative and talented young ladies. You will be inspired by each of their blogs, I'm sure of it.

Here are the Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Add the award to your blog.

2. Thank the person who presented it to you.

3. Mention seven random things about yourself.

4. List the rules.

5. Pass the award to 10 bloggers.

6. Inform each blogger that they received the award by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven random things about myself:

1. I truly enjoy going to the dentist.

2. I get my hair cut and colored as often as I visit the dentist. Every six months. My current roots are so grown out, it looks like the "ombre" look {gone terribly wrong}.

3. I've always enjoyed coffee but I didn't NEED it until after I had kids. 

4. Greg and I were each others first date, first kiss, and first love. {Someday I would love to share our story}.

5. I have been 6'0" since I was 17 years old. Hated it at first. Love it now! {It helps that Mr. Right is 6'3"}

6. I've always wanted boy/girl twins. What I didn't realize is having a girl and a boy 18 months apart kinda feels like the same thing. {Even though if you have real twins I'm sure you could write a book on how wrong I am}. 

7. My sole purpose for wanting to home-school my children would be this: I am NOT a morning person. {They will most likely go to public school though 'cuz I'm pretty sure "recess" and "lunch" won't get them into college}.

Jen @ Four Marrs and One Venus
Laurie @ Gallamore West
Heidi @ Honeybear Lane
Jessi @ Naptime Diaries 
Anne @ Hello Newmans!
Rene @ Cottage and Vine
Cher @ Life Design and the Pursuit of Craftiness
Bec @ Little Lucy Lu
Anna @ Ask Anna 
Vanessa and Heather @ At the Picket Fence

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Take your pic and edit it too!

Today is April 19th.

Wanna know the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning??

Picnik is closing!!! Noooooooo!

I signed up for this freebie photo editing site not more than four months ago. Roughly around the same time I wanted to start taking more pics of just Greg and I for out "Date Nights" album.

I got lucky too. They had just started offering their premium use for FREE!

First time using Picnik--addicted right away!

And just when I was getting all comfy, they decided to close.



Today I started using a new freebie website!

It has pretty much all the same features and tools. Very easy to use.

And they are also offering premium for FREE right now. (Although I'm sure they will start charging soon).

First time using PicMonkey.

So, get on over and try it yourself!


*I did not receive any compensation for this post and all opinions are 100% mine*

Monday, April 16, 2012

I want you to know...

 This blog is a way to share inspiration, connect with others and record memories. Yes.

But, I want it to be so much MORE than just that.

I also want it to be REAL.

I don't want you to think I have it all together...'cuz what's the point of that anyway? It only makes people feel intimidated and unable to relate to a "normal" person.

And let's face it, we're all normal.

Some of us just fake it better than others.

I know, because I used to be a faker.

I'm still working on not being a faker.


So, I want you to know...

I am not perfect. 

I am far far away from perfect.

I often feel incredibly lazy. - I feel lazier than the guy who created the Japanese flag.
via Pinterest

I yell at my kids sometimes.

via Pinterest

I do not cook meals every night.

via Pinterest

And if I do, I usually complain about it.

I do not clean my house every day.

via Pinterest

Except when the laptop isn't working of course.

I disappoint others.

I disappoint myself.

In short, I am a sinner.


I am forgiven.

via Pinterest

I am treasured.

via Pinterest

And I have a Father who loves me...

via Pinterest

...more than I will ever know.


Decorating. Organizing. Raising kids. Being a wife. Cooking. Cleaning.

Those are just things I do. They are not who I am.

I am His.

I do those things for Him.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Date your husband

About four months ago I was organizing our family photos and I discovered something:

There were hardly any pictures of Greg and I in the past few years! Sure....there were tons of pictures of the kids. And a fair amount of good "family pics", with all four of us in the same shot.

But, pics of just the two of us? Not so much.

At least not like the pics we took while dating in college. When all we could think about was the next fun date we would plan and the next cute picture we would snap. Oh those were some fun days....

This last one still cracks me up!

So, I created a new folder on my desktop titled "Date Nights". The goal was to start taking pics of when we would go on dates! I loved the idea and couldn't wait to fill my new folder.

How many dates are represented in my fancy new folder??

Ummm two. At least two that are documented. I know we've been on more than but failed to pull out the camera!

Here's what we've got so far....

I did a post on THIS if you want the details.
We went ice skating with Santa! This was such a fun date...we felt like total teenagers!

Just last night. We went to a wedding and then randomly grabbed six friends to go watch the Hunger Games afterwards. PS--totally LOVED the movie!

Snapped these pics while going through the car wash. Why didn't we take one at the actual wedding or at the movies with friends?? 

Don't ask. We're a work in progress okay?

 The car wash pic is what you get.

Here's hoping to fill our album with some more over the next few months!! I have to keep telling myself it will be SO fun to look back on them 50 years from now.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I have a button!

Yep. It's about time. 

I'm moving up in the blogging world with my very own blog button! It took me approximately two whole days to figure it out. 

Here she is!

Not too fancy shmancy. 

Pretty plain and simple.

But, I like it.


And another thing....

I changed my comment section {below} so I can now reply directly to your comments!!

I know.

Totally just made your day, right?!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rough patch

Kensie turned two and a half on March 6th. Just over a month ago.

She has always been a sweet kid. Soft little voice. Sweet giggles. Bright blue eyes. Loves to cuddle. Greg and I often wonder how she is ours. Why did God bless us with such an adorable girl?

However, the last month has been rough to say the least. Crying at the slightest thing. Constantly pushing Mason over and stealing all his toys. Fighting mealtimes. Fighting naps. Fighting bedtime. When you say yes, she says NO!

At first, I thought it was because she was tired or hungry or teething or not feeling well or, or, OR! I kept racking my brain for reasons. Why is she acting like this all of a sudden? Am I not spending enough one-on-one time with her? Am I not disciplining her enough? Am I disciplining her too much? Who is this child and where did my sweet Kensie go???

Then we went on vacation and I thought that would help. There would be different scenery and we'd be around lots of friends. More distractions might keep her occupied?? NOPE. It only seemed to get worse! We stopped at some outlet malls on the way home and my shopping was cut short when she threw the most embarrassing fit in public I have ever seen out of that little girl! Oiy. Greg and I were very calm and just held her hand as we walked back to the car in between stomps and screams. I was at the point where all I thought was "Whatever. I don't even care what people think. Let's just get home."

I came to my conclusion this week: 

She's just two and this is just a rough patch

Kids sure do keep us humble eh?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to center your header {I did it!}

I was so thankful when one my sweet followers left a very helpful link on how to fix my header. Thank you so much Angie! You should check out her gorgeous blog...

Anyway, I'm passing on this awesome website! It has TONS of great tips and advice on everything related to designing your blog. This is my new go to!

Click HERE for help on how to center your blog title!

Makin Cute Blogs |  Freebies, Tutorials, Resources, & Design Elements!