Monday, February 4, 2013

Hall of Honor {a platform for Jesus}

So to follow up my last post....
Eight years after graduating college, the Cornerstone University Athletic Department called me on the phone to tell me I had been inducted into the Hall of Honor.
Actually, let me give you exactly how that phone call went....
I was sitting at the counter enjoying a cup of coffee for the morning while Kensie and Mason were playing with some multi-colored pasta beads on the kitchen floor. In order to keep the mess to a minimum, I had the brilliant idea of pulling out a large metal bucket to pour them all into (we're talking like a gallon-sized zip lock bag of these pasta beads people). I swiftly and sternly told the kids they could play with them as long as they kept them in the bucket. So they happily grabbed some plastic cups and began scooping and sorting through the beads in all their glory. The pasta bounced loudly off the bottom of the bucket as they repeatedly dumped them out of their plastic cups.
THEN my cell phone rang.
NOTE: Why is it that as soon as mom gets on the phone, all hell breaks loose?? Suddenly, noises become louder, kids become more whiny, and they start creeping your way to see how long it takes for them to get your attention. Anyone else's kids do the same thing?? Ugh. Anyway...
I was congratulated on my achievement at CU and they quickly rattled off information about a formal banquet I was invited to attend, and how the induction ceremony would go, and how I would be recognized with 4 other inductees into the Hall of Honor, and to wear something nice and etc, etc.....and all the while my kids are clamoring in the background, dumping beads onto the floor by this point (b/c they were obviously not keeping them in the bucket like I asked) and fighting over which plastic cup they wanted to use. And the only thing I could say into the phone with the craziness around me was, "I don't have to say anything at this banquet do I??"
Yep. That's how it went. I'll be happy I recorded this later in life. Oh the everyday life of young children.
Anyway, that's how I found out. I had about a month before the date of the banquet. I invited my family. I bought a new dress. I asked my sister if she'd want to introduce me at the banquet. Those were things I was planning to do. But I certainly wasn't planning on speaking. Maybe a quick thank you and some generalized words about my experience, but not what was really on my heart.

So I wrestled with God over the next three weeks. I would hear the Holy Spirit usually when I was running on the treadmill. When I was able to clear my head, I would start to get these ideas about writing a speech. A very difficult speech...full of honesty, and vulnerability. But then I'd quickly push it back and go on with my day. It wasn't until the actual day of the banquet that I finally sat down and said, "Okay Lord, I can't accept this award unless I write what's on my heart."

So I did.

And here it is....

I have had so many real life conversations with people as a result of this speech. It's amazing how much God has been using it to touch people right where they're at. I don't give myself ANY credit because I usually FLEE from anything that requires public speaking.

I gotta be honest though....I want more. I want more of His presence in me. I want to see Him work through my weaknesses. I want to make impact in a very real way.

This was a small taste that I will savor for a very long time.

And to wrap up the event, here are some pics...

The current Head Women's Volleyball coach gave me my old jersey as a gift! Yes, it had been washed first :)

Lauren (our team manager) along with some former volleyball teammates you heard me talk about at the end of my speech. Great group of girls.

Aaron, Allison, Me, Greg

My sister Lauren and her sweet baby bump!

Lauren and Katelyn--sisters forever!

Induction ceremony before the Men's basketball Homecoming game.

Inductees into the CU Hall of Honor.
I feel like this is the first award I've ever really received well. Does that make sense? As weird as it sounds, all my previous awards just left that empty feeling at the end. Like I would never be good enough no matter how many All-American titles I received. But, this? No. This made my heart so completely full as I watched God work through the whole process.

I AM enough. And it's not because of some silly plaque or bouquet of flowers. It's because of Him.


  1. So proud of you Shan! Thanks for sharing all this and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. I think if we're honest ourselves, most college athletes struggle with this like you did...yes, even at CHRISTIAN schools!! Praise God that He is working in you, and that you are allowing Him to.

    1. Like most things in life, once you finally "come out" with something, you find more and more people that make you feel like you're not alone. Thanks for being such a great friend Cathi.

  2. Great speech! Way to be obiedient, even when it's terrifying! His presence is so worth it! Love it, lady!

    1. Yes, HE is totally worth it. Thanks for reading Staci :)

  3. Congratulations!! And seriously beautiful speech. :)

    1. Awe thanks Jen. It's only beautiful b/c of Him.

  4. Little late to the party here, but loved this speech and loved your reflections looking back. Cornerstone still holds some of my most cherished memories as well! To God be the glory!


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