Saturday, March 24, 2012

Surgery and recovery

Wow. It's been an interesting week over here.

I had surgery on my right leg this past Wednesday to take the rest of those lumpy, bumpy veins out. If you recall, I had my left leg done the week before--I was in and out of the doc's office in 30 minutes flat. Local anesthesia. Drove myself home no problem. I hobbled around in a full ace-wrap, was slightly uncomfortable for three days, but felt fairly back to normal by the fourth day.

I was warned that my right leg would take some more time and that it would need to be done at the hospital. I wasn't looking forward to it by any means but, I went into it thinking, Okay. It can't be much worse than what I've already been through...let's do this thing!! I was pretty positive and totally down-played the whole scenario in my head. 

Wellll, here's the perks and pains of my past three days. This is partially for my own record-keeping and partially for those who like to know details....

(WARNING: there will be talk of some blood. Can't say I didn't warn you)

- A two hour surgery feels like the best two hour nap you will ever take. Seriously. If you want a good, deep, uninterrupted nap...have a surgery.

- After your long nap they will give you some drugs to dull the pain post-surgery. I now understand why doctors have to prescribe powerful pain killers that make you drowsy. And I can also see why people get addicted to them. Whoa. It's like giving yourself a big, warm, fuzzy, sleepy hug for a few hours. Amazing stuff.

- Your friendships will build. The love and kindness you feel from those taking care of you when you come home from a surgery like that will deepen your relationships like you could never imagine. My closest friends just got a little closer over the past few days. Love those girls.

- You tend to rely on God a lot more when you have surgery. No doubt about it.

- Ummm literally. Pain. Lots of stinging pain. Like, someone cut you with razors kind of pain. Intense soreness and swelling for the first 48 hours. Yay for drugs.

- A few hours after coming home, I started bleeding from one of my incisions. Basically, without being too graphic, I had some bulgy veins that were "way up there" if you know what I mean. The incision closest to my lady parts re-opened and just would. not. stop. bleeding. This is where that whole "building-relationships-with-your-friends" piece came in. I literally had to lay flat on my back for several hours while pressing an ice pack to make sure the bleeding didn't start up again. I had instant flash-backs of giving birth just over one year ago. I felt that exposed, and there was almost that much blood. Oiy. Again...those friends of mine took such good care of me during this time.

- Lack of sleep. That two hour nap during surgery only lasts so long. Nighttime sleeping was miserable the first two nights. There was absolutely no position that was comfortable. (again, reminded me of pregnancy.)

- Greg left the night of my surgery to go to a truck show for the whole next day. It was pre-planned but we did not realize the schedule conflict until the week of the surgery. I was not a happy wife about this one. And he felt absolutely terrible for leaving...but, again my friends stepped up to the plate. And honestly, it was probably better that he was spared from all my complaining and sleepless nights.


I took my ace wrap off this evening and finally took a shower! Felt So good. My leg looks like what I thought...pretty bruised all over and still very tender to the touch. Instead of stitches, they used sterile strips over each incision (basically like a butterfly band-aid). I carefully pulled each strip off to reveal the teeny tiny incision. I was curious just how many sterile strips there were....I stopped counting after 45. Buh-bye bulgy veins!

So, that was my "super-fun-i-know-you-are-jealous" week! Looking forward to next week and getting out to enjoy some of this beautiful spring weather!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you had such great friends that could help! Let the healing begin!!!


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