Mosquito bites - CHECK
Sunburns - CHECK
Family disputes - CHECK
Don't you just love camping in 90* weather, with bugs, a baby, and family that can sometimes get on your nerves?!
Ok, it wasn't THAT bad....but pretty darn close at times.
We headed to Gun Lake over the 4th of July for the annual week long camping adventure with the in-laws and extended family.
A short 45 min drive from home made it possible for us to come back and sleep at home during the nights and drive back during the days.
humidity + a baby + tight sleeping quarters = sleeping at home was a MUCH better choice.
And the day wouldn't be complete without a watermelon eating contest of course. Greg gave his go at it, while his gracious mother endured the sloppy mess so could I snap a pic. Thanks Mom!
The lake was the only escape from the heat, so we went Kensie proved her love for the water (just like her Dada) and would have relaxed in her floaty ALL day if she could.
And if you remember my post from LAST YEAR....we started a new tradition with the Brink family. The Gun Lake Triathlon. I was 7 months preggo last year at this time, but attempted the bike and walk portions. It was indeed a small taste of the real thing.
Triathlon participants 2010 (double from last year!)
For the past 8 weeks I've been running, biking, and (yes, the dreaded) swimming. I thought by testing out the waters (no pun intended) a comfortable family setting at Gun Lake, I might sign up for a REAL race if things went well. And they did! The race was by far shorter than a real one, but it was a good chance to see what my training prepared me for. Who knows, maybe I'll sign up for one in August now!
Hope everyone had a great Independence Day!