Thursday, May 13, 2010

Health and Fitness

I love feeling in shape. I love the "high" after a hard work out. The feeling of satisfaction that you pushed yourself beyond what you thought you could do. I love a good challenge and checking another sweaty run off the calender.

But, I used to love it for the wrong reasons. I used to feel trapped. I used to feel like I HAD to workout. Like I HAD to be skinny to be acceptable. I thought that missing a workout meant I was a failure. Or that eating anything with sugar in it meant I was unhealthy. That instead of making a mistake, I was the mistake. I had no margin of error. I used to think all that mattered was how I looked, not what I felt like or whether I was healthy from the inside out.

But, my perspective has changed on all that. Now, after many mentors, counselors and life experiences I see the importance of being healthy, not just looking it. Sure, there's always a physical benefit to exercising regularly, but there is so much more to life than worrying about how much you weigh. There is so much freedom now. I can still feel satisfied in pushing myself to the next level when exercising. And I can still make healthy eating choices that will decrease risks of high cholesterol, blood pressure and heart disease. But IT.DOES.NOT.OWN.ME. I used to weigh myself multiple times a day, but now....I can't even tell you how much I DO weigh. Since giving birth, I have maybe stepped on the scale once or twice. And I give myself grace when wanting to indulge in some ice cream and a brownie. I mean really, what's life without dessert now and then?? A sad one...I would know :).


If you ever have similar thoughts, or want to ask me more questions about this journey of mine, I am MORE than willing to talk about it. You can leave an anonymous question to protect your privacy if need be.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you Shan... I'm going through that same journey right now, and it has been a struggle, but SOO rewarding. God is so much bigger in my life than being the most in-shape, skinny person ever. Learning to be beautiful and see myself as God sees me has been incredible- I'm happy you're experiencing that freedom too!!


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