4 months old that is!
I didn't think it was possible, but she really does get cuter every day! My favorite moments these days are her constant babbles, sweet smiles, and the way she loves to munch on her feet! So stinking cute, I can hardly stand it sometimes.
We did have a bit of a rough patch a few weeks ago. She had been a champ sleeper (up to 11 hrs at night!), and then one night decided to scream every two hours. I tried nursing her, and she screamed. We paced the house (Greg and I taking turns), she screamed. We tried gas relief drops...still screaming. We even switched to a variety of formulas for a while. After nearly a week I was convinced she had an ear infection, teething, or something. After a trip to Urgent Care, she came home diagnosed as "healthy but irritable baby". Dag nabbit! I almost wanted there to be something wrong with her. Just something to explain all the fussiness. We were exhausted, and on top of it, Greg was working double overtime those weeks. I could never get a break.
Thankfully, a friend offered to take Kensie for one overnighter so Greg and I could have one evening alone. Just one evening to have an uninterrupted dinner. And one evening to actually sleep! What a blessing that was!
After a solid two weeks of screaming at night, the little stinker's back to her 10-11 hr nights. We'll never really know what all the fussiness was about, but I have my theories. One is obviously a growth spurt. She DID grow 2 inches in two months! Another has to do with my cycle. Yes, I've already had 2 cycles since I gave birth. I was hoping to go without while nursing. But low and behold, it's baaaaack. But, I wonder if it a) changes the taste of my milk or b) causes my milk to drop slightly in supply. I mean HOW DOES your body do both at the same time?! No wonder I was exhausted!
So, I've been appreciating the last few nights of sleep, and I'm glad my happy baby came back :) .

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