Saturday, January 16, 2010

Confessions of a post-graduate, stay-at-home mom

I admit to...

1. picking my nose while driving (and yes, sometimes flicking them)

2. watching VeggieTales long past Kensie's interest...I can't get enough of them!

3. rarely making the bed

4. wearing my robe 'til noon...and sometimes not brushing my teeth until then either

5. grumbling to my husband about his dirty socks on the floor EVERY NIGHT

6. Using too much toilet paper

7. Using too much soap

8. Using too many paper towels...and then some

9. Leaving the grocery cart by my car in the parking lot

10. Checking my email WAY too much

11. Checking facebook WAY too much

12. Letting out a loud sigh when getting up in the middle of the night...just to make sure my husband knows I'M the one attending to our daughter's needs

13. What? Sometimes I turn up the heat past the temp we both agreed upon. So sue me.

14. Not being able to spell ANYTHING in Spanish.
Exhibit A: the title of the last post.
(I woke up at 4:30 this morning [no joke] and suddenly it hit me that the number 4 in Spanish is C.U.A.T.R.O.
...silly Shannon)


  1. You crack me up! I watch World World long after Eddie loses interest. :)

  2. Shannon - this is awesome!!! I love it. =-)

  3. You are hilarious! I love your admissions. I may have to do one for my next post...seriously, it's so therapeutic!


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