Our block party did not go so well. We did not have a SINGLE person show up. I busted my tail to clean the house ALL day, forgoing the chance to enjoy the nice weather yesterday, prepared food, and no one came. Just Greg, Kensie and I. THEN, I got a letter from the post office threatening to take me to the PIS (Postal Inspection Services) because I slipped the invites into people's mailboxes. Whoops. Who knows if anyone even got them! Anyway, I was pretty much in tears last night. Greg was sick so he went to bed early, and I just laid in bed awake for an hour...so annoyed.
I woke up this morning with this on the table. A note written by my loving, understanding hubby...

I sighed a deep breath, knowing he's right, but still feeling the heat of tears in my eyes. I also realize prayer is important BEFORE an event like this, to keep the focus off myself. I was more worried about what people thought of my clean house and what food they were going to eat. I have seen the power of prayer in the past. I hope we remember this for next time. God will bring people if you ask him.
Hang in there, girl! Keep inviting them...and next time, if you have too much food, call us... :)