Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ready already??


When considering how far apart child #1 and child #2 should be,
which parent is usually ready first?

Before I go any further....

No. I'm not pregnant.

I would guess that most women are ready for baby #2 before their mates are,
and that usually the wife has to "talk" her husband into round 2...
can I get a second on that?

But, in our case. Nope.

The other night Greg says to me,
"Just look at her, don't you just want another little Kensie??"

And dare I say,
"Just let me enjoy 3 months this summer of feeling 'normal' and then we'll talk".

I mean, who enjoys swelling 'til you feel like your skin is so tight it will literally pop?
And who enjoys the perpetual sweat even in the midst of drying off AFTER your shower?
And let's be honest...who loves going to the beach looking like a beached whale??

Of course he's ready for #2.

doesn't have to endure any of that!

Then he pulls the "talk-through-the-baby-to-your-spouse" trick,

"But, Kensie don't YOU want a little sister?"

But don't you think I gave in that easily...I stood my ground.

Maybe next fall I'll be ready.

Until then...let's play!


  1. Ha! You crack me up! Last night I asked Mark if he wanted to carry the next one! :)

    We always talked about 2 years apart...and while we were still in the taking stages...we found out the next one was on the way. So, God decided for us. :)

  2. We are the same way too. Travis has always been way more ready than I've been for each child. Good luck!

  3. Ahhh...go for it! You wouldn't be huge till summer was almost over anyway....HEHEHEHE!

  4. I'm with you Shannon. I'm perfectly happy not being pregnant right now! =-)

  5. Except I must add that Josh is also quite happy just having one!

  6. I'm 18-months past giving birth and I'm STILL not really wanting to be pregnant and/or give birth yet. I still remember everything TOO clearly. Good thing babies are worth it. I always tell Travis, "Until you gain 40+ lbs and push a 8.5 lb baby through your genitalia, you MAY not pressure me to do so." A little graphic, but it works. :-)

  7. Just popping by again to say that I always love seeing Kensie's baby face of the week!! =-) Can't wait to meet her someday.


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