Maybe it's b/c I took the kids to the library the other day and after specifically telling Mason "NO", he purposefully and successfully cleared off an entire shelf of DVD's in front of three other mom's and their kids.
Maybe it's b/c Greg came home one night from work asking what was for dinner, and I carelessly waved my hand from my comfortable position on the couch saying, "Well, we had the last of the macaroni and soup, so can you make a sandwich for yourself?"
Maybe it's b/c I've been sleeping in and letting my feet hit the floor without any quiet time with my Jesus. I feel frazzled, and unable to get out the door anytime before say, 10 o'clock in the morning. I then try to squeeze some Bible reading in the middle of the day while the kids are "happily playing" only to be interrupted by two screaming children who are fighting over toys. It doesn't make for very good "quiet time".
Maybe it's b/c I haven't cleaned my house in who knows how long and honestly I don't care to. I mean, I'm ashamed at how unashamed I am. Really.
Maybe it's b/c by the end of the day, I realize I've yelled at my kids more than I've poured loving words into them. And I feel like all I want to do is race through the hours until it's bedtime when I can FINALLY have time to myself.
Maybe it's b/c after taking nearly three weeks to fast from Pinterest and FB, I'm right back where I was before the fast. Thankfully I'll be away from the internet ALL next week, so there will be NO temptations.
Maybe it's b/c I've had zero comments 5 out of the last 6 posts, and I've contemplated giving up the blog. Why is it that comments feel so gosh darn good?? And when I don't get any I feel as though this blog is not compelling enough. There's something about feeling "heard" that is motivating. I guess I need to keep asking myself, "What is the purpose of this blog?" Maybe it's just simply a way to record and keep track of my life. But, I sometimes wish it could be more than that. Still sorting that out...
Maybe it's b/c of this yucky, rainy, dreary weather. I miss summer. Period.
Anyway, if YOU are feeling like a zero sometimes, just know that I do too. We all do. And that's okay. What I need to remember is my purpose is not about succeeding in every area of life. It's about seeking Christ in every area.