Monday, January 3, 2011

The snow is gone, the TV is on, and the sickies keep comin...

Yes, over the weekend ALL of our fluffy white snow melted into the earth. Gone. I'm ok with it only because I know it will be back. Ohhhhhh, will it ever be back....But, it was a nice way to wrap up the holidays and switch gears a bit. We took the tree down and decided to invest in a fake one for the years to come. I never thought I would give in, but after all the needles this year....we were both done with the tradition. And with all the after-Christmas sales, we found a very nice tree for half the price! Can't wait to put it up next year!

We've also been watching our share of TV. Well, I should say Kensie is watching a lot of PBS these days while I plop on the couch with my laptop. 

Ever since this third trimester set in, I've resumed my perpetually tired state. With 10 weeks left, I wish I could zap myself with extra energy...but it seems impossible. I look forward to her afternoon naps just so I can get some shut-eye myself. I have little energy left and the remote calls my name--even if it's only 10 local channels. She is old enough now that she will actually sit through a whole show without moving. The above picture is a pretty accurate shot of her "zoned out" look. At least they are educational shows right?? Ok ok...she looks like she's losing brain cells, I know. We'll play pretend kitchen after this one I promise.

And, remember those molars that were coming in last week?? They are here!! But, she simultaneously caught a nasty cold on New Year's Eve that's been taking a different toll on the poor girl. Yay for winter.

After hearing/ reading a number New Year's resolutions the last few days, I've made a few "vague" ones of my own. But, we'll save that for another day.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shan, I hear your on the tv. I've been popping in the movies as well... and feel absolutely awful for doing it. I know - needless guilt. But still. It's good to rest. So rest up dear friend...


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