We've also been watching our share of TV. Well, I should say Kensie is watching a lot of PBS these days while I plop on the couch with my laptop.
Ever since this third trimester set in, I've resumed my perpetually tired state. With 10 weeks left, I wish I could zap myself with extra energy...but it seems impossible. I look forward to her afternoon naps just so I can get some shut-eye myself. I have little energy left and the remote calls my name--even if it's only 10 local channels. She is old enough now that she will actually sit through a whole show without moving. The above picture is a pretty accurate shot of her "zoned out" look. At least they are educational shows right?? Ok ok...she looks like she's losing brain cells, I know. We'll play pretend kitchen after this one I promise.
And, remember those molars that were coming in last week?? They are here!! But, she simultaneously caught a nasty cold on New Year's Eve that's been taking a different toll on the poor girl. Yay for winter.
After hearing/ reading a number New Year's resolutions the last few days, I've made a few "vague" ones of my own. But, we'll save that for another day.
Happy New Year!
Oh Shan, I hear your on the tv. I've been popping in the movies as well... and feel absolutely awful for doing it. I know - needless guilt. But still. It's good to rest. So rest up dear friend...