Monday, May 6, 2013

Still here!

What's up my friends?

I've been hanging around, just not much on here lately. Looks like it's been 3 weeks since my last post. So I'm popping in to give you some updates...

I turned 30 about two weeks ago. Feeling quite happy about it, actually. My twenties were some very difficult years for me. Lots of trials, depression, a major self-identity crisis, and just some not-so-fun memories. I'm grateful for all that God taught me during those ten years and I'm so thankful for the rock-solid husband that stood by me through it all, but I'm just happy to be in a new decade. I love who I am right now.

Speaking of my handsome man, he turned 30 today! So he can stop teasing me about being in a different decade than him. Unfortunately, he had an extra long day at work today, swung by to change quick, then went straight to softball practice, stopped home for dinner and a shower, and then back to work. It's 10:23pm. He's still there.

We (the hubs and I) will be escaping at some point to celebrate both our birthdays. Thirty is kind of a big deal, so we wanted to do something extra fun. We're planning to take the train to Chicago, stay one night in a fancy hotel, walk the busy downtown streets, window shop, and perhaps be entertained at a comedy club. I like vacations. Even mini ones. And I quite like him. It's been busy around here. I'm looking forward to a weekend getaway without children. God bless those kids, but I need a break.

This was our last trip without kids. Last December.

Speaking of those little blessings, Kensie and Mason are both sick right now. It's absolutely gorgeous weather outside too. Seventy degrees every day. Tulips and daffodils blooming everywhere. Our little town has a festival every year called "Tulip Time" and it's going on RIGHT NOW. And my kids have streaming noses and can barely breath at night. I'm just praying this is our last round of the yuckies for this season.

Nobody's looking at the camera. What else is new?

So that's the latest!

You're welcome.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A few things...

{1} Mason had his 2 year check-up last week. Technically his appointment was over a month after he turned two, but who's counting?

Two year stats:

Weight: 36 lbs (99%)

Height: 36.5 in. (85%)

Head circumference: 51.5 cm (90%)

He officially weighs more than Kensie (by 2 lbs.) and I recently bought both of them some summer shoes in the same size (10). The SAME SIZE people. They are eighteen months apart. Craziness. 

{2}The ladies from the women's ministry team at our church are putting together a cookbook. I just finished designing the cover and chapter pages. (I used my go-to editing site).

What do you think?

{3} It's April 14th and there are snowflakes the size of quarters falling right outside our living room window!! The weather lately is just so gloomy and dark and cold, cold COLD! My car said 35* on the way to church this morning. Depressing. I've been mentally wishing I was here...

{4} I'm turning 30 years old a week from today. And to be honest, I've never been more excited for a birthday. Strange, right? I'll have to do another post on my feelings, but I am so thrilled to be leaving my twenties. There are just a lot of hard transitions in life during that decade that no one really prepares you for. No one. I'm ready for a new and fresh decade.

{5} I'm really cherishing our schedule-free mornings without having to rush off to school right now. Generally, we sleep 'til about 8:00, breakfast at 8:30 and don't get dressed until 10:00am sometimes. But it won't last forever, I know. We are looking into signing Kensie up for preschool next fall. It seems crazy to think that school days are just around the corner. But she is a kid that will totally THRIVE in school. She is constantly asking me for "math problems", loves to pack her backpack, take a walk around the living room and pretend to "go to school". I'm just not looking forward to waking up earlier to get her there. I'm totally going to be the disheveled looking mom who pulls up to school at the last minute with messy hair and still in sweatpants.

Oh well. I'm really okay with it. I'm just not that peppy, morning, pulled-together-at-7:30am type of person.

{6} We have been researching kitchen counter tops and sinks for a while now. I think I've made up my mind. We're going with laminate b/c it's the most affordable. But don't worry, this is not your grandma's laminate. Here's the counter top I want...

Wilsonart's Mardura Pearl Pattern

And that's what is happening around here these days!


Monday, April 8, 2013

Cedine 2013 {What I learned}

"Cedine Ministries is a Christian Bible CampRetreat, and Conference Center located in eastern Tennessee along the Watts Bar Lake section of the Tennessee River. Cedine is a ministry to youth, adults, and families with an outreach ministry that includes Bible quizzing, Bible correspondence courses, and devotional guides.
Cedine Ministries exists to honor God and His Word by partnering with the Church in evangelism and discipleship training through quality camp, conference, and outreach ministries, with emphasis on the African American community."
{All above information is from the camp's website located HERE.} 

Our church travels down to Cedine every year over spring break to help work around the camp doing whatever projects are needed that year. Our family has gone three out of the past four years. It's been pretty challenging with little ones but it's one of the few missions-type trips we can all go on together, so we really enjoy getting down there over spring break.


I will say first off, this year went much smoother than last year. There were definitely melt-downs throughout the week and we dealt with them accordingly. But overall, it was much MUCH easier. It's amazing what a year can do. Last year, we had a one year old who was still drinking bottles, transitioning from baby food to table food, had just taken his first steps but unable to walk without help and was napping twice a day.....AND a two and a half year old who was still in diapers full time. This year had other challenges like resolving sibling fights (which I expected) but the kids could generally do the same things, eat the same foods, and run around together.

So in hopes of giving you an adequate recap, I will share with you all what I learned this year....

We spent most of Easter Sunday in the car, driving.

I learned that praying and talking about expectations with your spouse before a trip like this relieves SO much stress.

Thank goodness for DVD's!

I learned that kids can spot water towers from miles away. This became a fun game as they shouted them out while driving.

The winding road leading up to camp.

I learned that winding roads still make my stomach feel yucky.

I learned that Mason's favorite car activity is reading or sleeping and that Kensie's favorite activity is coloring or brushing her Barbie's hair.

The swings just never get old with these two.

Greg and a couple other guys worked hard all week laying these steps down to the canoe launch. Didn't they turn out great?

I learned that people really open up and are willing to listen when you work alongside each other for a whole week. I was so thankful to get to know some new people in our church!

Other projects around camp included chopping some trees down. Mason loved watching the "worker guys".

Alex and Mason. These two are more alike then you want to know. They got into all kinds of trouble together.

Kensie smiling even bigger this year!

I learned that Kensie still loves riding horses, while Mason wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.

This girl kills me sometimes.

Mason went to "work" with daddy most mornings and loved getting dirty.

I learned that Mason reminds me of his daddy more and more everyday. They were quite the pair this week. Working together. Eating together. Wrestling together. So sweet to watch them.


Many a meals were eaten in this place. None of which I had to cook!

Watching the talent show.

I learned that Mason will start strumming his air guitar every time he sees someone else playing one.

We have some very talented young people in our group!

Leaving camp early in the morning.

I learned that NO amount of coffee will ever make me a morning person.

We stopped at the Adventure Science Center in Nashville for a couple of hours.

Mason did not venture very far from the tool table.

Kensie did not venture very far from the train table.

Lunch with our sweet friends, Todd and Julianne.

I learned that Gatti's Pizza buffet let's kids ages six and under eat for FREE. Four adults and four kids in this group. You do the math.

Mason and Jay roaming the green hills of Tennessee.

I learned that families grow quickly, children are precious, and moments spent with friends we rarely get to see are priceless.

Jay with his week old baby sister, Carrington Joy (I just LOVE her name!)


I learned that if we put the pack n' play too close to any piece of furniture in the hotel room, Mason can and will climb out.

I learned that while sleeping in hotels can be fun, it's nice to hear your oldest say, "Mama, are we going home tomorrow? I miss my bed."

Taking a much needed nap at the hotel.

I learned that sometimes, you just need some warm chocolate chip cookies from McDonalds to feel like you can drive just a little bit longer.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wannabe Beach Party

Tuesday night I invited some sweet ladies over for a "Wannabe Beach Party". 

My intent for this party was:

{1} To bless others using the gifts God has given me.

{2} To thank and encourage women in my life who are constantly serving their families and other people. Women who may find themselves just needing a break from all the ups and downs of life. Or women who have blessed me in a personal way and I simply wanted to say thank you for making such an impact in my life. Basically, I wanted to lavishly love on some women who have so generously loved on me. 

{3} To escape from this LONG cold wintry weather in Michigan. I have a special place in my heart for anything beach-related. I wanted to imitate an outdoor beachy oasis all in the comfort of home. 

{4} To provide a party where absolutely NOTHING was required of my guests, except to show up in a cute nautical/ beachy outfit. It's so refreshing to attend a party where you don't have to bring a dish, or bring a present, or buy something once you get there. (Nothing wrong with any of those things). It's just nice to be totally pampered once in a while for NO reason, ya know?

Anyway, welcome to the beach party!


Chicken salad croissant sandwiches

Lemon Orzo pasta salad with asparagus and cherry tomatoes

Stacked Pineapple and grapes on umbrella toothpicks

Chips and salsa

Blue lemonade (one packet of blue Kool-aide mixed with 2 containers of fresh lemonade) and lemon water to drink.

I'm mostly posting this one so you can see my nautical outfit. It's the only pic I have of myself, so please ignore the awkward face.

The party started at 6:30, and after some hilarious stories and lots of laughter, it was close to midnight before the last guest went home. One of the best girl's nights I've had. 

I think for one evening we all forgot that we were moms and wives, and adults with responsibilities, and we definitely forgot how blustery cold it was outside! Which was exactly the point of the party.

I was so blessed to have such a great group of women all together at the same time.

Each guest went home with one of these party favors...

I wrote a personal note to each guest about what I appreciated and loved about them as a person and wrapped it up with twine. And the anchor bracelet fit perfectly around the outside of the bottle!


We are heading out of town tomorrow morning but I will be back in a week to update you on our trip! Curious where we're headed? Read THIS POST. And then after you read it, say a little prayer for me will ya?

Thanks for staying tuned in my friends!

All to Him I owe...

Happy Good Friday friends.
